About Us

Who are we

Blue Miracle Institute (BMI) is a multimedia learning platform dedicated to delivering invaluable lessons constructed from ancient wisdom.

We meticulously unite contemporary technology and ancient knowledge, pragmatic practices and timeless philosophy, to help people transform their lives.

At BMI, we believe that the key to transforming our present is to understand the past.

What do we do

Our lectures are derived from Ancient Chinese Classics, perfected by harmoniously integrating Eastern and Western wisdom. Thoughtfully designed with our members in mind.

The courses are presented across multiple channels – Live lecture, recorded, and both.

Our teachers combine real-world practical experiences, accessible tools, and unique visions to help create long-lasting prosperity.

Learn alongside your teachers and peers, practice and excel together as a community.

Our Vision

This is the humble beginning of our grand journey. We will continue to build bridges to connect people across languages, cultures, and geographic locations.

We envision a world where anyone, from anywhere can learn from the invaluable lessons of our shared humanity. Together, we will transform the future one lecture at a time.